
Robert H. Lewis High School is one of 43 continuation high schools in the Los Angeles Unified School District, and it functions as an alternative to traditional comprehensive high schools, with more flexible hours and more individualized instruction. The students of Lewis High School find a safe haven of supportive, caring adults who strive daily to push them toward academic and personal success. Lewis High School is a tight-knit group of students and adults, a “small learning community” in the truest sense, where every student, gets a clean start in an environment of trust and understanding. “Building Bridges to the Future” is our motto, and whether those bridges lead students to the workplace or to college or somewhere beyond, forward momentum for each student at each student’s starting point is our key goal. We believe that our students can and will succeed, and everything we do on campus to help them must stem from this attitude. Assisting students to set goals and realize them, challenging them to think beyond the easy answers, maintaining consistent expectations for academic and personal success—these are just a few of the factors that make Lewis High School a uniquely positive place.